Lighten Up - For PMS Relief Therapeutic Oil

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Every woman knows that feeling that comes with issues that pertain to her unique make-up. You can begin to sing a brand new song when you connect with a product that gives you soothing relief. It is time to turn the tides in your favor by using a powerful combination that does not give room for slips. This is the answer for those nagging concerns that fill your health. When you are in a place where you want to experience true freedom, lighten up for PMS relief remains your best bet. Do place an order for this product today. 1 oz.

Metaphysical Cause: Allowing confusion to reign. Giving power to outside influences. Rejection of the feminine processes. Inability to speak one’s mind, uncontrolled emotions. Lighten Up is for all us women who claim we do not suffer from PMS and for those who admit they do. It eases cramps, bloating and swollen breasts. It even balances out the hormones so you're not cranky. 

Learn about our therapeutic oils